RG&A is a New Zealand-based consultancy specialising in: recreation research and planning for territorial authorities; recreation and tourism assessments of effect for commercial developments and expert evidence for hearings; and recreation and tourism research.


Assessments of environmental effect

Robust AEE research and reporting. RG&A has completed AEEs for numerous major infrastructure projects including roading, dredging, marinas, energy and irrigation schemes, wastewater, marine farming, subdivisions and tourism developments.

Expert evidence

Preparation of assessments of environmental effects for recreation, and delivery of expert evidence at resource consent and other planning hearings (such as roading, subdivisions, marine farms, hydro schemes, wind farms and forestry developments).

Management plans and recreation planning

Research, policies and strategies for assessing, developing and locating recreation facilities and services, including co-ordinating public consultation. Experienced in working with territorial authorities, conservation management authorities, communities, trusts and other public agencies.

Social and resource research

Formal and informal research systems for regional and local statutory planning, leisure planning, commercial developments and community services, including qualitative research, on-site intercept surveys and focus groups.


Managing consultation and stakeholder engagement, including mediation, focus groups and public meetings.


Rob Greenaway has had over 100 articles published in magazines and newspapers in New Zealand, Australia and Asia. Click here to see some examples.