
Richard Bach, in his book Illusions, states a handy aphorism: Perspective – use it or lose it. Most years, RG&A shares amongst recreation and tourism management professionals several tools and concepts to help exercise our perspective. Each issue considers a range of issues from outside the leisure industry – from quantum physics to management theory. Each is a PDF file of between 50 and 200 KB.


Topics:  (Click on the Issue numbers below to view/download the newsletter PDF).

  • The New Yorker
  • Generations
  • Things people say

  • Fly no more
  • The arrow of time
  • Constructal law

  • Matter transfer and death
  • When your car is not a giraffe
  • Sneezing
  • Viruses
  • Getting on

  • Guess the mystery object (won by the CCC parks team)

  • Free will
  • Euler’s equation

  • Natural frequencies
  • Folle of Oromo
  • Low-hanging fruit
  • Roman numerals

  • Sway, blink, think
  • Lateral thinking

  • Meta-ethical humour
  • Doodling good
  • Quantum entanglement
  • Starting and stopping an auto

  • A prioripost hoc
  • Placebo
  • Lalalalalala

  • Gullibility
  • Altruistic punishment
  • Change is good

  • Parkinson’s Law and Neeplphut’s Maxim
  • Regret
  • Escherichia coli
  • Last orders

  • Uncertain certainty (the fallacy of significance tests)
  • Certain uncertainty (the improbable future)
  • Carrot polarity

  • I’m right. You’re not (eristic)
  • I am right. You are wrong (water logic)
  • Deadlines

  • Being good (gaming theory)
  • Not easy being green
  • Plausible tosh (Wisdom of Crowds, Tipping Point)

  • Vitamin G (gossip)
  • Proving the pudding
  • Relativity (special)
  • Beautiful aliens

  • Six degrees of separation
  • Civil society

  • Confabulation
  • Cognitive dissonance

  • Souming
  • The butterfly effect
  • Hawthorn effect
  • Sensitive and sane

  • Tragedy of the commons
  • The sucker principle
  • Risk homeostasis

  • Subsidiarity
  • Ethics
  • Honesty
  • The panda principle

  • Reverse delegation
  • Regression to the mean
  • Occam’s razor
  • Red Queen hypothesis